Ánanda Márga Universal Relief Team

ABOUT AMURT Realizing the necessity of rendering relief, rescue and rehabilitation during natural or manmade disasters, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar founded a global body called the A’nanda Ma’rga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) in India and dedicated it to the service of humanity of our planet. Since then, it has been working hard and has earned tremendous goodwill in the society. It has been recognized as a unique disaster relief agency in the world for its non-discriminating approach to service of the people and its quick response in organizing the relief operations in the farthest corners of the world. AMURT's social service programs include; disaster relief, free education, welfare project for the rehabilitation of children and women, medical and health care and long-term multi-purpose, selfsustainable development projects. AMURT is a branch of the Relief section of ERAWS (Education, Relief and Social Welfare). To begin with, Shrii. P. R. Sarkar entrusted 'Ananda Marga Drought Relief Commiee’ the task of providing relief during the drought in Bihar, in 1965. This Commiee was later renamed as Ananda Marga Relief Commiee in 1987 to look after all sorts of relief throughout India. Subsequently this commiee was renamed as A’nanda Ma’rga Universal Relief Team ' on April 19, 1970 to take care of relief work all over the world. It was, then, registered under the Societies Act 1860 and the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 in Bombay, in India. Later, overseas chapters of AMURT were also registered as per the local laws of respective countries. Shrii P. R. Sarkar had a rm belief that those with a background in morality and spiritual practice, would make a big difference in serving the suffering humanity. That is why, he wanted that the AMURT volunteer to be rmly grounded in these principles. He believed that every individual is capable of rendering seless service and thereby reducing suffering of others in need. He inspired thousands of young men and women throughout world to help the needy with same spirit and purpose. AMURT is a non-sectarian organization and does not discriminate people on the grounds of gender, race, color, age, religion or origin. During disaster AMURT renders immediate medical care, food and clothing, rehabilitation and longterm development including shelter, education, stress management, community services, etc. AMURT depends primarily on voluntary help both full and part-time and has a large volunteer base to draw. AMURT provides and encourag e s d i s a s t e r s e r v i c e t r a i n i n g i n collaboration with other relief agencies. AMURT also provides long-term development assistance and s u s t a i n a b l e e c o n o m i c p r o g r a m s t o h e l p underprivileged and disaster affected people. AMURT's strength is in its vast network of dedicated volunteers all over the globe. It has a direct and personal communication to quickly mobilize the volunteers. AMURT is among the few relief teams, which reach the disaster sites without any delay. The volunteers tap local resources, work within local social and cultural framework to serve the victim in the best possible way.
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