A'NANDA NAGAR : The City of Bliss
Anand Nagar Located in one of the most poverty-stricken areas in south-eastern india. A'nanda Nagar is one of the 36 locations identied by Shrii PR Sarkar for the ARS (All Round Service) Projects. The 51 villages, surrounding A'nanda Nagar, have been specially chosen for these service projects. There are virtually no signs of development in this region. Although the people are poor, the area abounds with natural resources, especially minerals. The entries area of hilly ferrain lies in the river valleys of Mayurakshi, Surarnrekha and Kamsa'vati rivers and was once covered by lush forest. But it was totally denuded in the last 200 years. The exploitation of the resources with prot motive continues even to date. However, in the midst of suffering there is a positive vibe of life. Once the cradle of human civilization the region of A,nanda Nagar,is today languishing in poverty.disease and ignarance. Yet in this region there is hope. unit Shrii PR Sarkar rst noticed the unique character of the region during his tour to the area for collecting certain historial, gealogical and archaeological evidences way back in 1953/54. It was then that he located the concentration of fossil records in the region led him to believe in the antiquity of the region. He understood that this was not merely a chance but a reality. He realized that people of the once advanced region had under gone a long history of struggle and to achieve such heights development of human civilization, Much later in 1959/60 the Rani of Farh Jayapur, after ascertaining about the plans and programmes of Ananda Ma'rga nally agreed to donate a large piece of land measuring 550 bighas for establishing its services projects in the region. None except Shril PR Sarkar knew the shape of in the following years Shrii PR Sarkar things to come. Once day when A'nanda Nagar will be fully developed it will throng here to realize their personal goals. They will then adore this obscure but otherwise neglected and lile known part of india and seek the fulllment of their personal and collective aspirations, A, nanda Nagar's true worth will then be upheld. guided his disciples to identity and locate some of rarest fossil records dating back to the present homo-sapiens. According to Shrii PR Sarkar the evolution of the civilization in this region of western Rath is older than the civilizational remains of Harappa and Mohanjodaro. It was precisely for the reason of its unique antiquity that Shrii PR Sarkar selected this unknown, but promising land of Ananda nagar for establishing his self-sustaining developmental project called Cakradhurii (Mater Unit) Ananda Nagar then became the rst model master with Gurukul University. During his geological and archaeological expedit- ions, he located many ancient caves in the area surrounding A'nanda Nagar. One of the most exciting nding is the remains of a holographic stone inscription in one of the stonewalls of the cave had tremendous similarity to shapes of nava Cakras, realized by the Rsis (spiritual aspirants) in the course of their advanced spititual journey. These gures appear to have been drawn by some of the earliest Tantra Yoga sa'dhakas (spiritual aspirants) who had made these obscure caves their home for their long and arduous spiritual practices in India. Shri PR Sarkar dated these inscriptions to be older than 5000 years. Considering the importance of the discovery. Shrii PR Sarkar named the cave Nava Cakra Guha (Cave of Nine Narve ploxii) This region in the western Rath has a unique terrain where stand the tall ranges of the Belamu Pahar. These are considered to be the part of the oldest surviving mountain ranges of our planet earth. In the close proximity of northern part of Madhya A'nanda Nagar, lie the Dimdiha hill and the Asthi Pahara. These hills were formed out of the fossilized remains of the prehistoric and now extinct animals ie. Dinosaurs and other species of its family, lived in this region 65.5 million years ago. This is not all. In fact the distinctiveness 3. of A'nanda Nagar gets manifested as one gets to know more of its glorious past. Apart from all this A'nanda Nagar also happens to be distinguished as the home of seven wonders viz.:

Anandanagar is a dreamland for spiritual seekers and educationists.
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