Hari Pari Mandala Gosthi
Seva Dharma Mission

Seva Dharma Mission (SDM) as its name itself denotes, is a socio-spititual organisation with a mission to serve (Seva) the suffering Humanity and help people to be established in spiritu ality (Dharma). It is a Global Organisation founded in India in the year 1964 and Registered under Act, XXI of 1860 (vide Registration No. 921 of 1964, Lucknow), having its Registered Office at Susuvah, Chitaipur court, P.O. Sundarpur, Varanasi-5. Why (SDM) ? Man is a cosmic being man is a spiritual being. It has a definite destination to achieve, certain distance to cover. Right from its very inception, man is craving for infinite pleasure, eternal bliss, which can only be quenched by aaining Infinity, the rudimental cause of creation. No amount of material wealth is going to satisfy the ever-growing human desires. Hence, man is a cosmic being, man is a spiritual being. But, not withstanding its spirit or purport, the value of human life has not only been fast deterioraring but man has almost become an animal. Human life and human society has become a meterialistic one. The main factor responsible for the downfall of humanity are (1) irrational, unscientiic and superstitious beliefs, dogmas and ritualsdominated religion and (2) religion's apathy towards the multifarious burning human problems including the soci0- cconomic aspects of human life. 'AL this juncture of human society Seva Dharma Mission has ome forward to help alleviate the suffering of human society.
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